Eugenics Returns with Barack Obama
Barack Obama promised change… and change he’s bringing… changing back to the days of Bill Clinton. I’ve previously documented in, “Introducing Barack Obama’s New World Order” that Obama is surrounding himself with the old Bill Clinton administration and cronies.
And now, Obama is again changing the policies of George Bush that protected unborn children and prevented our tax dollars from funding abortion, and changing back to the deadly policies of the Clinton era. In a mostly unpublicized event, President Barack Obama on Friday struck down the Bush administration’s ban on giving federal money to international groups that perform abortions or provide abortion information. The ban has been known as the “Mexico City policy” for the city a U.S. delegation first announced it at a U.N. International Conference on Population.
Obama is also expected to restore funding to the U.N. Population Fund (UNFPA), probably in the next federal budget. Both he and Clinton had pledged to reverse a Bush administration determination that assistance to the organization violated U.S. law known as the Kemp-Kasten amendment. The Bush administration had barred U.S. money from the fund, contending that its work in China supported a Chinese family planning policy of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization.
“Coming just one day after the 36th anniversary of the tragic Roe v. Wade decision, this presidential directive forces taxpayers to subsidize abortions overseas — something no American should be required by government to do,” said House Minority Leader John Boehner, R-Ohio.
Rep. Mike Pence, R-Ind., called it “morally wrong to take the taxpayer dollars of millions of pro-life Americans to promote abortion around the world.”
Fewer Babies to Stimulate the Economy
The Speaker of the House, Nanci Pelosi, is now saying government contraception programs will help the economy and is needed in the stimulus plan.
OMG here we go again… taxpayer funded abortions, dancing condoms (remember those?), morning-after pills, and all other sorts of fun stuff that allows young people to shirk their duties as responsible young adults.
How does family planning reduce costs to the government?
To answer that, you have to understand how population control fits into their overall eugenics program of reducing the population of the world. Fewer babies being born means fewer babies suckling at the teat of government.
It probably won’t be long now till we see another of Obama’s promises… “The first thing I’d do as president is sign the Freedom of Choice Act,” Obama said in his July speech to abortion advocates worried about the increase of pro-life legislation at the state level.
The Freedom of Choice Act (FOCA) is legislation Obama has co-sponsored along with 18 other senators that would annihilate every single state law limiting or regulating abortion, including the federal ban on partial birth abortion.
If you thought the crimes of the Bush Administration were bad… wait until you see the crimes against humanity the Obama Administration is bring on.
I don’t necessarily disagree with abortion, just, if they’re gonna kill the baby, kill the mom too. Possibly kill the dad as well.
If we, as a modern society, still allow and encourage murder of our offspring, fvck it, kill everyone. Why don’t we just drop bombs all over our nation?
I say if you’re willing to kill, why not go all the way?
GREAT DECISION…….protected unborn children and prevented our tax dollars from funding abortion is a very good step started with Barack Obama.
How does family planning reduce costs to the government?
New Scheme of Barack Obama related to tax is very good and also Obama is changing the policies of George Bush that protected unborn childrens.good president for all Americans.
protected unborn children and prevented our tax dollars from funding abortion is a very good step started with Barack Obama.i appreciate this decision.
The Bush administration had barred U.S. money from the fund, contending that its work in China supported a Chinese family planning policy of coercive abortion and involuntary sterilization.
Is Barack Obama the Antichrist? What are the arguments for and against Barack Obama being the Antichrist?
If there is anyone out there who still doubts that America is a place where all things are possible; who still wonders if the dream of our founders is alive in our time; who still questions the power of our democracy, tonight is your answer.
this is nice article and i think History tells us that after this a great war, the victorious forces seek to do redesign the world order. But history is also warns us that unexpected events and the interplay of diverse forces can divert or derail this effort.
Hey,I just want to say thanks for your good work.
Face it there is just too many people on earth. Time to depopulate this planet.
This make me absolutely sick. Are we headed for Nazi Germany? I fear for my country and for myself. I am a senior citizen. I don’t want to be KILLED BY THE GOVERNMENT.
Panelists warn of the revival of eugenics under Obama’s modern healthcare through the denial of care to millions who would be judged ‘not fit to live’, just as in Nazi Germany.
Historian Anton Chaitkin also alleges that Ezekiel Emanuel, brother of Rahm Emanuel, in working with Obama, has also called for the Hippocratic oath to be ‘junked.’