Greenspan: Counterfeit Fiat Dollars to Avoid Default
Former Federal Reserve boss Alan Greenspan said over the weekend that the United States will not default after the S&P downgraded its credit rating because it can turn to counterfeiting fiat paper money.
“The United States can pay any debt it has because we can always print money to do that. So there is zero probability of default” said Greenspan on NBC’s Meet the Press.
Former military intelligence operative Bob Woodward wrote a book about Greenspan. It’s called Maestro.
Greensp an, as Federal Reserve bankster cartel boss, orchestrated low interest rates following the contrived dot-com boom that turned the housing market into a casino and led directly to the financial situation we are now in.
Ron Paul aide Jack Hunter followed up Greenspan’s comment by reminding us that Helicopter Ben Bernanke is Greenspan’s disciple and agrees with him about turning on the printing machines.
Bernanke is called “Helicopter Ben” because he agreed with Milton Friedman about using a “helicopter drop” of money to fight deflation. Bernanke, the Fed, and the Keynesians are caught in a liquidity trap. No matter how much they “stimulate” the economy – by throwing billions of freshly printed fiat dollars at it – nothing will reverse the death spiral.
The Federal Reserve specializes in death spirals and the destruction of economies. Even Bernanke has admitted that the Fed created the last “Great” Depression.
“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created,” said congressman Lindbergh in 1913 after the bankster cartel established the Federal Reserve.
“History tells us that unsustainable debt is a recipe for financial ruin. Common sense tells us that simply printing money out of thin air is the surest way to wreck an economy,” Hunter said.
In order to establish world government, consolidate wealth, hold fire sales around the world, and move us into the high-tech panopticon of feudalism, the global economy must be destroyed and the bankster elite offer their hand-picked minions as our saviors.
Greenspan’s counterfeiting machine is part of that ongoing effort.
Article written by Kurt Nimmo
August 8, 2011