A Thousand Points of Light and Socialism
Now in order to understand the direction of this article one must look historically at what has transpired over the last twenty five years or so going back to the Reagan administration. Many are told Ronald Reagan was given full credit for the tearing down of the Berlin wall. For those too young us old timers remember his famous “tear down this wall” quote. However, those who study politics, history and economics know that other factors were at work here that not many know or knew about. Now that is not to diminish Mr. Reagan’s role but just to throw out some interesting information.
While true he was the sitting President it made little difference in my opinion who was in office. Others cast the die in ways more then we will most likely ever know. The concept of placing economic pressure on Russia was more then just an arms race or buildup. I will give you Reagan was the right man at the right moment.
Do any of you know that a month or so before the downfall of Russia a delegation from the CFR went to Russia and met with them for an extended period? It was not even government sanctioned. Do you even know who this think tank is? It was in the newspapers but of course buried in the back pages. Never the less it was there. Well regardless in my opinion their participation was the chief catalyst.
Now Russia economically was using a hopeless system. It was a dreamers political system because it involved man. We all recognize anything man is involved with and where wealth is involved is in my opinion doomed to corruption. Europe was and is using a Socialist form of government and of course we held to Capitalism. We all know without our help and handouts they would all collapse.
Now the differences between these systems are as follows in brief.
Socialism- is collective or governmental ownership and administration of production and goods,
State Socialism has limited socialist characteristics and typically includes public ownership of major industries,
Communism has a single authoritarian party who controls all state-owned means of production but goods, supposedly with common ownership and available to all and Capitalism encourages private or corporate ownership of goods through investment by private decision. However, prices, production, and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market.
State Capitalism is a system, which is modified by a varying degree to allow for government ownership and control of some aspects.
Now that we have examined those briefs can we find any current nations that fit these definitions? Well certainly China and Russia have a form of State Socialism with elements of Capitalism. It is a mixed bag of private and state ownership. These nations are no longer Communist in the strict sense of that definition. Even Cuba is all of a sudden moving toward this concept while surprisingly others in South America are also moving in this direction. That is state control while fostering limited and controlled private enterprise.
In my opinion Capitalism is moving in the other direction. You say no. Well look at the political agenda of “our” legislators. Free trade is an essential element of Capitalism and is that not a common objective of either party? It matters not who is in charge because laws will be passed and adhered to or ignored that favor that goal.
Now since America is a Republic, which is a word rarely used because Democracy fit’s the socialist agenda better, we must in my opinion have a gradual evolution to what is a new centered system.
The Communists, except for the die-hard Chinese and North Korean nations have recognized their model does not work. However, they are begrudgingly willing to move to the center- revised state socialism, because it incorporates the best of what they aspire to while accepting what Capitalists perceive is necessary for free markets. They are also willing to get rich and improve their military which is a real fact today.
In this new order the “workers” of the world will achieve that which they all desire for which is a job, medical care and freedom, not much more. The wealthy will achieve what they already have but could not grow due to the other economic systems. The rich will have a ready supply of low cost workers for their business and be able to expand their markets everywhere. They will have the world as a “free market” where people everywhere can buy and sell and invest but mainly buy.
Now as people become empowered the premise is they will be happier and not seek what others have- right? Well, once again we bring in the key words that ruin every plan of man- greed, exploitation, wealth and power. Throw in the religion and ideology and you have the seeds for discourse – Iraq, Iran, Korea, Cuba, and Venezuela types. Throw in the die-hard types and those who so not accept this new world system and we have conflict, non-agreement and in effect the “United” Nations. United in conflict and their own agenda just as it always has been.
So if you are thinking this is way out then I’ll ask you this.
1- Are you for “Comprehensive Immigration” and what it really means to America?
2- Do you know what the North American Union is and are you for or against it?
3- Are you for NAFTA and other “free trade “ agreements that favor other nations over ours?
4- Do you think we should have some kind of Socialized Medicine?
5- Do you think we should build up “Social Security” or mandate we provide for our older population?
6- Do you care that illegal “immigrants” are here using billions of our tax dollars or is that ok?
7- Do you even care that we are billions in debt to “former” enemies?
8- Do you care corporate profits are in the billions as well as the golden parachutes for failure?
9- Do you think our press is not biased and if so how?
10 Do you know the difference between a Republic and a Democracy and why that is critical to you and America?
11- Are you worried our ports and national assets are being sold off?
12- Are you alarmed we have no to little manufacturing left in this country?
13 Do you favor gun control or elimination of the right to bear arms?
14 Do you really think our military is in good shape and a Supper Power and why?
15- Do you know what SPP is and who initiated it?
Now if you have answered the way I think most will, we are well on our way to a Democracy and State Socialism if we are not there already.
Now the question really is if this new system is good or bad? I happen to think it will probably work if we could “eliminate” the hard-liners. Now that is the real test of “good” people. How do we do this? Do we use war, coups, revolution, just how? Do we buy them out or win them over?
I happen to believe this new system might work for the world if we could really eliminate greed, exploitation, power but no one with even an ounce of brains knows that will go away with man being like he is.
So the question really is what form of government that mankind has ever tried to implement has really worked in total and in fairness to all? The answer is none. Should we expect such and should we stop trying? Well no we shouldn’t. We really can’t expect the utopian system. Then one must ask this. With the great masses and majority of people on this planet professing some belief in a God and most of the others at least expressing the Golden Rule and the rest just bad one wonders why it has never worked? Is it that the bad always rule? We know what the answer is because of one three letter word [man] and the attributes and characteristics attached to it. “Like Paul said ‘ I do that which I don’t want to do”.
So here is my opinion as to how it can possibly work. First, we must accept the premise that man will have to incorporate love, compassion and mercy into their government and law with openness and fairness for all. Well now that we have eliminated that possibility, the only answer I can come up with is God.
In any case I do believe the premise put forth herein warrants following and consideration. For most of us older types it really only matters if we can make it another 30 years before the elimination of Social Security. God Bless.
Article written by Robert Melaccio, Sr.
Robert T. Melaccio Sr. Copyright ©2006 Robert Melaccio
Originally published on SearchWarp.com for Robert Melaccio, Sr. Tuesday, January 09, 2007
Article Source: The New World Order, A Thousand Points of Light and Socialism.