The Obama Deception is a hard-hitting film that completely destroys the myth that Barack Obama is working for the best interests of the American people. The Obama phenomenon is a hoax carefully crafted by the captains of the New World Order. He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery. We have reached a critical juncture in the New World Orders plans. Its not about Left or Right: its about a One World Government. The international banks plan to loot the people of the United States and turn them into slaves on a Global Plantation.
New world order will be the best for human species, I support it to its success
The problem this world faces is the fact that no one, not one, can see past their race
or religion. It’s not about the color of your skin or what book written by man and controlled by deceivers. It is about the world waking up and facing the cold hard truth. Religion is man made, Muslims, Jews, Christians, even atheists ALL come from the same place. The average human only utilizes about 13% of their brain. The rest lies dormant waiting for them to seek the truth and not some well told fairy tale……and the truth is in the end it is not beautiful. People in this day and age are only looking for beauty, popularity, wealth, respect……not truth!
It looks like there is a faction that wants to establish a new World order and are helping make it a Muslim one.
Obama has been in office long enough to convince many of us
that he is part of the departing Bush Administration. He failed to do many things promised and his signing of the
extension of the Patriot Act was enough to convince me he
is on the wrong team. The outgoing administration was full of members of the Skull & Bones Society, the most secret Society in the world and Obama had one of the members on his staff
as a leader. Austan Dean Goolsbee, was chairman of the council of economic advisers Member of (Skull & Bones Society.)
I wonder how many of you voted for and supported Dubya Bush and his administration’s decision to go after bin Laden and get him “Dead or Alive” only to watch the w brand totally forget about him and “no longer be concerned” about bin Laden? How many of you thought dubya was the big hero when he announced “Mission Accomplished” after accomplishing nothing but a deadly invasion, blood soaked occupation and endless perpetual war against an enemy of his own creation? ow many of you believe that 9/11 was a foreign planned and implemented terror event? How many of you believed the w brand claims that the US would be “greeted as liberators” and within “a few months” find those non-existant WMD that the w branded warpigs “KNEW” were there? I wonder how many of you knew about and were in support of the w brand contracts with Halliburton, Blackwater, etc? I wonder how many of you are anything other than ignorantly gullible, arrogantly fearful worshippers of false gods, golden calves and lovers of money? Are you also the same who dissed and attacked The Dixie Chicks for speaking the TRUTH? Can you ever admit that you have been are will be WRONG again?
I think you are all slightly insane
I saw this documentary when it went out in the public and honestly it made me think. I don’t want to be one-sided and I don’t want to think that it is a biased documentary. If Pres. Obama is really deceived, then we should look in his works.
so KRS1 is speaking on all these things but he decided to write his own bible meaning that he thinks that the words of the True Bible are no longer relevant. The truth is that it was not up to us to make Obama president it was GOD so no matter what happens we as people need to pray for our officials and hope that they do what God plans.
Who ever runs this website needs to make a giant forum and a group where we follow we dnt need speculation we all know the nwo is coming but the fact is we need to warn ppl of this the website good but most americans are brainwashed by the media to not beleive conspiracy theorist so please email me everyone can i will be active into investigations and would like contacted my father ex green beret and lieutent coloenl tells me facts that i would like to share he left several years ago 3 to be exact he told me of a computer the department of defense has which filters messages like this iam not a conspiracy theorist iam joining the special forces and very fit smart person i know plenty of information amd would like to help average people understand a what is actually going on and proof
I didn’t bother to watch the videos, but the comments tell me plenty. You claim Obama is ruling in a cult of personality, leading only by name and not by credibility, then following up with “We need JESUS instead!”. It just proves you people are as brainwashed as the theoretical Obama-humpers you claim to condemn. No President has been “perfect”, nor has he had powerful dissenters. But by calling him a Nazi for pushing Universal Healthcare, a privilege in America that is considered a successful right in most developed countries, is asinine. American’s spout fear and incite hatred amongst one another through threats of Communism, a force which has been largely weakened in the past 30 years. But in all actuality, it was pure capitalism that brought our downfall. When the bankers screwed us over (again) we paid for their mistakes and suffered the consequences. Only in a country where a corporate fat-cat can be even CONSIDERED Presidential-worthy is proof that we find money far more appealing than competence and strategy. Sure, Obama is not the messiah we tried to push him off as. But he’s our first black president, that’s a sign of progress. And for our country to teeter on the edge when he came in, only to recover under his rule…well, give him credit where it is due. Taxes may be high, living is high, but the fact is we are recovering. It’s like the Cubs fan who caught that “foul” ball. Had the Cubs lost by one ball, he’d be to blame. But they lost by several runs. Obama may not be the reason we’ve recovered, but he didn’t make things any worse, as I’m sure fiscal conservatives like John McCain would have.
I think he’s a good president.
Let time b d judge for all d words are only your opinion.
to Stormy, you my fellow man are very decieved person. One thing is for sure WE DON’T HAVE TO SHUT UP. This deceiver must be exposed.
i believe we are all doomed for destruction under the goverments control!!!
Yet you are here to post comment on something that you say you don’t believe in! Why is it that so many atheists come to Christian sites and then make comments on things that they chose to not believe in? Go and make your own site and comment on the rest of the ignorant people out there who choose to believe in nothing but themselves!
Stormy, Once he starts to do a job we will shut the hell up until then we still live in a free Country and can speak whenever and however we so choose!
Articles like these put the consumer in the driver seat-very impantort.
Nadeezee, you gave me goose bumps! It makes my heart race and a sick feeling because I am afraid you are right! I hope we are all over reacting but I know what your saying. I also wondered what made people defend him so fiercely and why no one could speak ill of Obama without someone else being there and ready to shred you to pieces!
I have been truly scared about the direction this country has been going over the last 10 years to be exact but now it’s like Revelations is becoming a reality!
Obama is doing well with his government. I think he don’t deserves to be humiliated by others.
Hahahhahaha the posts from the top and two years ago are hilarious. There is nothing Christ like about what you are saying at all. Judge not…
A true Christian would never spout such hate. You pray for your president and country, and educating ones self would not hurt.
The true power behind all of this is the Jews. Yes, that’s right, the Jews. Remember, the Jews were the betrayers of Christ and to this day they are still the most active (but secretive) Christ-deniers. There are so many key figures in the New World Order who are Jewish, it’s ridiculous that no one will come out and say it. Why not? Because it’s not politically correct? Who cares! It’ the TRUTH! The Jewish/Freemason conspirators are still up to their age-old schemes of world domination. Look at all the people named in this video. Almost all of them are Jews or Freemasons. Wake up, Christians!–and start exposing these charlatans for the fraudsters, criminals and anti-Christs that they really are.
Be ready, we know that Jesus is on the way soon. Just look around and be honest with yourself. Crime and taking of life, children turning against their parents and parnts turning against their children, wickedness and evil in all forms; the prophecies of the Bible are coming true and will only get worse until His return.
The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide.Really obama is vital agenda.
President Obama is nothing more than a puppet for worldly people, he has done nothing to improve the United States since he has been in office, as a country we have become weaker. Some day people are going to wake up and wonder what has happened. And it isn’t just him, Clinton and Bush have been just as bad. These men and women at the top are driven by the super wealthy of the world, these policies that come out of Washington are global policies and do nothing to strenghthen the U.S. In the future we will be second class country with most of our rights diminished. Each year we lose more of our rights to the federal goverment. DB.
I’m a Scientologist and Scientologists definitely know what’s going on and are doing something to change this planet’s downward spiral…..
we really need Jesus christ to save us from Obama and his mark of the beast biochip 666 anyway… we must aviod biochip 666 because biochip 666 can take you to hell forever by Our God’s wrath…..
Alex Jones, for those who don’t know, is the self-described “tip of the spear” in the Infowar. Jones is a nationally-syndicated radio host with a daily listening audience in the hundreds of thousands and he has directed and produced over 20 documentary films.
As it is stated in the Bible & other trusted source book of religion that whoever go against the will of GOD, his body & soul will be burned in HELL. My advice to all those who support the 13 boodlines :John 3:16, Psalms 85:11 are specially dedicated for you guys.
As an author of a book about the bible and end times, I see that my Biblical showing through the scriptures that Satan has a blood line through Cain and is now setting up a one world system through its bloodline of the Illuminati and its 13 families. With other secret groups like the Blindenbergers, CFR, etc. we are in for the tribulation. If interested my book is the “Precepts and Doctrines of Men” published by Iuniverse. it is on Amazon and Barnes and Noble. other topics do include the Rapture. The main thing is to keep your faith and keep a positive attitude to offset he negative that being fed to us daily via the media
You people are all friggin crazy. New World Order.. HAHAHAHA The devil in disguise and only true christians can see. I know many true christians and lemme tell you something. Magooish, close minded, and easily led. Sheep if you will. The shepard isn’t coming. Do you know why?? Because he doesn’t exist.
The great majority of these posts are being sent by insane and evil people calling themselves ‘born again christians’ who are attempting to disrail Obama, because of his race.. they will not succeed! Christianity like Islam, is a male controlled cult.. to brainwash and control large groups of people for the purposes of power and greed.
he is apart of it and i am a brother but i stand for what’s right.this what i know i seen four horses. The four one of the horses was black soo if compare what u know with what you see you will clearly come to understand that the bible is living.shhhh
we can agree on one thing. Obama is a lair, as where the Bushs and Clintons. The war, the enslavement might come in Obamas reign, or it may drag on for even more years.
Comment removed
He is being pushed as savior in an attempt to con the American people into accepting global slavery.
I totally admire him..
I am a big fan of Obama. Obama is doing great in his term.
Information is very useful and helpful. Thanks for sharing.
Absolutely beautiful and stunning. Thank you.
The information contained in this film is vital to the future of the Republic and to freedom worldwide. President Barack Obama is only the tool of a larger agenda. Until all are made aware, humanity will remain captive to the masters of the New World Order.
Amazingly, your writing goes to the essence of the issue. Your lucidity
leaves me wanting to know more. Allow me to forthwith grab your feed to keep up to date with your online blog. Saying thanks is simply my little way of saying bravo for a wonderful resource. Take On my warmest wishes for your incoming post. Bookmark
I love american politics. We never have anything like this in the UK. You are lucky it is so entertaining.
OMG!!! YOU PEOPLE HAVE FLIPPIN LOST IT! Why do so many of you base your fears off of the Christian religion as if it is the only thing in the world that has meaning? You people are weird! ! ! !
we have been lied&&cheated on by our goverment!
I was searching for info on a claim that Obama recently stated that he is the leader of the new world order (Jul – Sept 2010) and found your ignorance filled post…
The Beast is not too far from where people look…
The only True Church founded by Christ is the Catholic Church…
“Christian” division is caused by man’s refusal to be subject to God’s Authority…
Any world order (see the history of humanity) rejects and persecutes Christ’s Church: One Body: One History: One Baptism: One Spirit: One Gospel!
May the Holy Spirit enlighten you and may you open your heart to His guidance as He brings you to the Body of Christ!
Maran atha!
Bottom line is we are in the last of the last days. The Bible speaks of many being deceived. Obama was the knob opening the door to the “New World Order.” Sad thing is many Christians were deceived. My Grandmother would always say, “the world will start to come to an end, once a black-man takes office.” Not meant as a racial comment at all, since I am black myself. But she was a prophet. Christians eyes must be opened to the truth. Once the body of christ joins together as one group, with one purpose….to tear down all that is evil. Then things will turn around. Pray for our nation….
I believe that most of the World Power leaders & their previous successor(s) are undoubtly part and parcel & serve for illuminati, secret society & has given the greatest path, access & sanction with no barrier at all for the worshippers of Satanism/Paganism/Lucifer/Antichrist a.k.a 13 bloodlines in order to re-build, expand & to create a new world order.
Their grand successors had successfully created (but soon to be revealed) the greatest LIAR, the longest LIAR and the most perfect drama LIAR ever created in the world history (WWI, WWII, 911 attack, such an intelligent satan-made drama but I am so sorry because I am not gonna believe em’ : the biggest conspiracy ever existed) in order to bring the old mysticism religion back on earth.
But don’t worry. As it is stated in the Bible & other trusted source book of religion that whoever go against the will of GOD, his body & soul will be burned in HELL. My advice to all those who support the 13 boodlines :John 3:16, Psalms 85:11 are specially dedicated for you guys.
Sorry guys, I understand that lots of you will hate this comment but always bear in mind that the truth has always never seemed to please those who believe in Evil.
And my advice to all new generations, read, understand & practice the words in the Bible and unite ourselves to fight against the soon-to-come Lucifer who has never stopped to make YOU & YOUR GENERATION to get perverted through mind control.
When I WAS A Christian, I believed everything that happened .The Bible God would work HIS miaricle . ? ………….so who cares Obama Bush Cinton…….
All reasons for staying in war religions & more, are based only on myths. All our actions have been based on myths and the only reasonable action is to get rid of the myths.
The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge. – Stephen Hawking
I take it back, Police State 4 is the f*ing scariest. lol
Obama is continuing the process of transforming America into something that resembles Nazi Germany, with forced National Service, domestic civilian spies, warrantless wiretaps, the destruction of the Second Amendment, FEMA camps and Martial Law.
Jones chronicles the history of the global elite’s bloody rise to power and reveals how they have funded dictators and financed the bloodiest wars—creating order out of chaos to pave the way for the first true world empire.
We are all GOD’s Children even when we don’t know it and especially when we don’t deserve it.
I love you and God Bless!
He is doing what he set out to do: Break our country financially and mentally. For Examble: Michelle Obama has 21 employess you and I are paying for at a cost of $1,591000+ per year. By the way,Prior first ladys only had 1 or 2 employees.
You need to get your head out of the sand and see what is hapening to us.
Obama’s handlers are openly announcing the creation of a new Bank of the World that will dominate every nation on earth through carbon taxes and military force.
International bankers purposefully engineered the worldwide financial meltdown to bankrupt the nations of the planet and bring in World Government.
This is a steaming pile. Out of context snippits and jargon and history twisted to sound meaningful – when it is horribly, horribly outrageous. I pray the watchers of this video can ignore the makers and ignore me and ask questions before accepting these boneless explanations.
Jehovah’s Witnesses you have no room to speak on any political board of any type. Your religion does not allow you to vote. So shut up, if not you become part of the problem. O wait, you are part of the problem because you won’t vote. I see said the blind man to the death lady on the disconnected telephone.
All I have to say is God is good all the time! Focus on the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou are with me. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Victory is mine sayeth the Lord and no weapons formed against me shall prosper. Put on the full armor of God and pray for your enemies! He will make them your foot stool. Be in the world, but not of the world. Jesus said “I am the truth, the way, and the light. No man can come to the father without coming through me.” Love can cover a multitude of sins and I fear no man, but GOD!!!
We are all GOD’s Children even when we don’t know it and especially when we don’t deserve it.
I love you and God Bless!
All I have to say is God is good all the time! Focus on the kingdom of God and all things will be added unto you. Though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I will fear no evil for thou are with me. Forgive them Father for they know not what they do. Victory is mine sayeth the Lord and no weapons formed against me shall prosper. Put on the full armor of God and pray for your enemies! He will make them your foot stool. Be in the world, but not of the world. Jesus said “I am the truth, the way, and the life. No man can come to the father without coming through me.” Love can cover a multitude of sins and I fear no man, but GOD!!!
We are all GOD’s Children even when we don’t know it and especially when we don’t deserve it.
I love you and God Bless!
I think this is all highly interesting. I feel like I’ve been awoken from a dream. My boyfriend recommended zeitgiest and through that I found this documentary yesterday. I will continue to watch, seek, and learn.
“The future of this country needs to focus on telling and teaching as many people about ideology and liberalism. All we have to do is take the past year of the Obama administration and say, ‘This is what you’re going to get every time you elect a Democrat. Any Democrat.'” -Rush Limbaugh
its Bible, i didnt know all these things were happening all around already. Dont watch the news much. Someone has to fill the shoes to get the ball rolling to carry us on out to the end. Its sad but so true. We are in for a ride and yes we better buckle up, its gonna be a hard one. Obama has degraded America and I dont call him the President cause thats a name U earn and he has not earned that. Those who think hes for good will in time see The Change he has in store and it doesnt matter where You want to believe it or not time will tell the tale and this story has been told all alone. May the Lord have mercy on us all.
I agree, lets see what he does. How ever he did sign the New World Order into being as reported around December 20th
2009 in the Washington Post. I think we need to remember he is a man not a God. It’s time to get off that bimbo boat wake up and smell the coffee, and keep your eyes and ears open. In other works, sit back and hang on we going for a ride!
My own comment is dat God is God, He is not man so anything he said must come to pass. we all are seeing the signs of his second coming and all we need is for us to pray for his grace to see uu through because whether we like it or not it must surely come to pass WHETHER OBAMA OR NOT. Thanks
Believe what you want. Is the saviour of all mankind real or not? Believe not at your own devise. It is written upon his return all shall know who he is saved, deceived, and lost and undone. None shall be unnoticed.
One Nation for the world would be great. To bad Hitler is not around to orchastrate tthe movement!
The American people have proven, time and time again, to be the most generous on earth. Name one country that contributes, from private citizens, one tenth of what we do to help those suffering from natural disasters and disease. Name just one. And, that is in addition to enourmous “foreign aid” gratuitously given to despots around the world.
Obama IS NOT King of America. His job is to administer by Constitutional values. His personal agenda is opposite to that: to reform America into a socialism. I will fight this to my death if need be.
How did Obama even get elected? He never even turned in a birth certificate didnt he?
well…the new world order has been tried by a lot of leaders in past years but they have all failed because of the people but large empires that tried lasted a long time but they have fallen.
The New world order is coming but trying to fight it is like trying to fight the holocaust of the dark ages my sister. The only thing we can rely on is divine intervention when it comes.
According to Revelation&Daniel Sunday worship is a precept that will be accepted by the entire world & the way everybody seems to be psyched out by Obama’s popularity that time might just be within his presidential term.Please contact me so that we share what we know.
To the people who are blind to the plans for a New World Order all I ask is that you research it for yourself before you make a decission. To those who are awake and refuse to be sheepol I am greatfull for every single one of you. WE MUST FIGHT!!!! A New Revolutionay War is upon us!!! Arm yourselves and your families with all the artilery you can get and lots and lots of ammo. I also advise cross bows and arrows, for ammo WILL run out and you can make your own arrows. Families should move with in as close proxsimity to eachother as possible. The ONE TRUTH the Gov. has spoken is UNITED WE STAND, DIVIDED WE FALL. Those of us who will fight for our lives must be able to band together in as short of an amount of time as possible. To anyone close to the area WHEN IT ALL GO’S DOWN…… I will be taking off to group up with a whole town that WILL FIGHT (INDIAN LAKE OHIO). And we more than welcome any one who wants to suvive to join us. WE ARE BROTHERS AND SISTER, FAMILY!! WE MAY FIGHT AMONGST EACHOTHER, BUT I PROMISE YOU THIS. WE’LL BURN THIS BITCH DOWN GET US PISSED!!!!!!!! (Tupac Shakur)
I agree this is one of the best films to introduce to someone new to the globalist agenda. Endgame has to be the scariest. 😛
It is what it is, and Alex Jones has done a priceless job at showing the people the truth about our leader. For one man cannot rule the world.
Obama is a puppet on strings controlled by the governments shadow.
To the ones who are still blinded by Obamas Color and how he can sell DEATH to the weakened minds, LOOK at the FACTS Research what is being told to you and then make a choice. I hate politics and never cared. Now I am afraid for its the devil time to do is work. BUT, I accepted that Alex Jones and the ones who follow for their voice to be heard will still be where they were before. For God statesDo not worry for these things must take place.” Corruption, Lies, Death ect.. They all have to take place, for God to return. To all who dont believe, take the chance God has given before you, just pray even though you dont believe, give him the chance to not fail you and to have enternal life. The ball is in the devils court now until God returns who side will you be one? If you are on tje fence have not chosen, understand that you have, for you are on the Devils fence. GOD BLESS and Alex if you ever need voulenters I will gladly do whatever I can for I know your funds are limited.
“You hold the key to love & fear, all in your trembling hand.”
Nadeezee, people might think your adaptation of prophesy is strange, but I don’t doubt the possibility.
I had the most startling realistic dream about 10 years ago that I’ll never forget. I sort of woke UP into the dream and found myself hiding behind people. Instinct. They were my body shields for pointless random gunfire.
Then some guy saw I survived and pulled me into a car that was like crudely welded for function only. Homongously powerful engine. We were driving over all kinds of city junk but then hit the freeway ans it was smooth and silent as ice. Mustve been far in the future. (hopefully).
I looked off to the left expecting to see a city, but there was just one massive building spanning miles. I got this huge sense that it was pure tyranny inside. Everyone selling each other out to claw their way up.
You were either a slave under ultimate tyranny or in the punishment of antagonized chaos outside. Like a reverse prison.
It’s like the final inevitible Stalin or Hitler happened and there was finally no escape anywhere on earth. All humanity owned by the few elite.
I swear it was so real and beyond my own imagination, it had to be a vision given me.
Then a few days later it was the opposite.
A ‘awoke’ in this like logger truck, only it’s on like a long flat rollercoaster track and it was like a mile above ground. Not that that’s feasable. But the feeling was ultimate good-will and ultimate freedom. Everything was green on the landscape. Perfect. The driver and his passenger were drinking coffe and laughing & talking and it seemed like a couple hundred years from now.
Maybe 2 alternatives? The destiny switchbox for both might be what’s right in front of us here and now. Seems like it has that taste to it.
I think your instincts are sound or your connection to truth is to be heeded.
The documentary was a real eye-opener! Actions that were taken and measurements that are being taken right now are starting to make more sense now, and i also believe that the reason why barack obama was chosen by the “men who pull the strings”, was to gain the favour of the black community, something h has already done. Imagine in Namibia, a country in Africa with a population of a mere 1.8million people, one would here Barack Obama’s name being praised, or one would see a T-Shirt with his picture printed on it. People would chant YES WE CAN…and shabeens and bars are being named after him???
The world is soon to come to an end.
I don’t understand why we tend to give individuals a false power… man or woman or child has power other than that power that someone, or some thing, has given them, or created within them. Noone has ever become famous without a following. The puppet has no life….the life is in the hands of the controller. So…I would ask, if I may, knowing God’s Word, “Who should you put your faith into?” The controller, who is God, or the puppet, who is not of God?
Miss, if I may, I do agree that the end times are coming, but the rapture has not happened yet and it will not happen until things are far worse. You are not a remnant Christian and I know you will be taken up in the Rapture soon for the end is near. The Bible says that no one knows except God the Father when the end will come, for not even Christ Himself in all His holiness knows. It will come as quick as lightning however and the earth will tremble. Though I agree Obama is a sign pointing and referencing the Scriptures of the New and Old Testaments (isaiah specifically), we cannot jump to conclusions and play God. Another thing, God does not discriminate His people, and although Roman Catholicism has its faults, there is no perfect church for we are imperfect people. There is no need to pin blame, fault, sin, on traditions that have come down from centures of apostolic words. I say this because I have studied these tradtions and although they have no biblical base, they came from attempts to gather in the Jew and Gentile converts. This is far from a justification but rather an explanation of the behavior.
Read your Word as you have, Miss, and take refuge in the Lord, not man, as you have been doing wo fervently. psalms 118:8
God bless
It’s because of people who dont watch and know what is going on in this country. I spoke with someone today who voted for Obama. She told me that she has no idea what is going on in the world.She never watches the news and doesn’t care. This is why we are in the place we are today.
What is he doing that is for the good of the American people? Did you even listen to the video and the words out of his own mouth???? Im sorry but letting prisoners our of jail that were in training camps to overthrow the Chinese government and giving billions of dollars to countries to take these terrorist is a shame and not in Americas best interest. That my friend is the tax dollars of the American people paying their way in these countries he is sending them to. You need to listen to what is going on in this world because of his actions. Do you want to live under a dictatorship? Because that is where we are headed weather you want to open your eyes or not!
amen to that!!! I believe that! I pray we can stop him before its too late. Lets take a stand and make our voice known~
How come I am finding so many people that are still deceived by this man Obama??? Is it that the true Chistains are the only ones that see that Obama is not making decisions in Americas best interest? He is trying to make himself a leader or another kind and its not a good one. I am so afraid for this country. We have Korea threatening us with Nuclear war now and he wants his own army to train from small children in elementary school. This is the same thing Hitler did. How can a man go to a church for 20 years where he has a pastor that preaches hate not only on whites but now I hear towards the Jews…. and make excuses for the man and say he didnt know his pastor was like that. Also he said he doesnt know when he became a christial. WHAT?????? I know the exact moment I became a Christian. He is such a liar….he doesnt remember because he never became a christian…its a put on for the American people. Everything that comes out of his mouth is a lie….he is a OBAMANATION for sure people…..wake up. The government is slowly taking over everything and having more and more control over America. I can see it can you??? I pray God will open everyones eyes before it is too late. Take a STAND AMERICA!!!!!
Believe what you want. Is the saviour of all mankind real or not? Believe not at your own devise. It is written upon his return all shall know who he is saved, deceived, and lost and undone. None shall be unnoticed.
Obama is a “yes man” and taker, not a giver. He rewards non-doers and criminals then punish the doers and innocent.Christians do have some advanced knowledge, but no one really knows the events of the future. Every prediction has fail so far. The deception will be so great as to deceive even Christians, so be careful about shooting your mouth off. But we can agree on one thing. Obama is a lair, as where the Bushs and Clintons. The war, the enslavement might come in Obamas reign, or it may drag on for even more years. The satanic globalist, those corrupt power hungry rulers are patient.
Obama is a “yes man” and taker, not a giver. He rewards non-doers and criminals then punish the doers and innocent. He’s no different than his predecessors, the only difference is he’s much better at getting away with.
Christians do have some advanced knowledge, but no one really knows the events of the future. Every prediction has fail so far. The deception will be so great as to deceive even Christians, so be careful about shooting your mouth off. But we can agree on one thing. Obama is a lair, as where the Bushs and Clintons. The war, the enslavement might come in Obamas reign, or it may drag on for even more years. The satanic globalist, those corrupt power hungry rulers are patient. They serve the invisible destroyer. They are faithful to his cause. If it takes another hundred years, they will stay the course. If the rapture turns out to be a misunderstanding. If it doesn’t happen over three year span but longer. If 2012 comes and goes with subtle change, if it is proven that aliens brought human life to earth. If they take away your job, house, money, FOOD, will you give up your faith, and go along? You may have a tremendous opportunity to stand up for truth, but don’t be surprised if you get killed for doing so. Counted it a privilege.
It’s a shame that we finally get a president that cares about the people of this nation. Who is open-minded,well-spoken and articulate. And all the American people can do is complain, focus on racial issues, and try to compare him to the devil. American people have become a bunch of cry babies. I wonder, how many of you complainers have ever done anything in your whole life to benefit anyone other than yourself, let alone for a whole country. So to you I say shut the hell up and let the man do his job!
I worry for our children in this day and age. I truly believe that this is not a good turning point. WE NEED JESUS!!!
This man isn’t who he appears to be. His inner intentions aren’t what you hear him say. So be careful. As the Bible says, trust no man!
Well honestly, as a young black woman,I didn’t vote for Obama because i have always believed that there’s something deceiving about him. he appears like an angel, but isn’t. and some day he is going to be part of the “image” in Rev 13. and give power to the “Beast”, the Papacy of Rome. Once i learned this, i was like o no, i don’t want vote for this free spirited man, who wants change. So i didn’t vote him. I already know that this world will be enslaved globally someday, and i will be in the mountains, until Jesus Christ, the true Savior and King comes back to earth.
As a seventh-day Adventist, sabbath keeper, that’s what i will hold on too, in order to make it to a city, not of this world. But above space, in the heavens, Heaven itself, that will be on this earth, I think, in 2013. As a true remnant Christian, that is what we need to do, no matter what, cuz Satan is busy with these apostate churches these days, that are under Roman Catholic traditions.
they need to find out before it is too late, to make it, as my family and I have.