Eugenics and the Collapse of America
There is little doubt that all of humanity is experiencing a assault on our very existence, the likes of which have never been experienced before. Mankind has historically been a struggle between those who want to live free and those power elites that seek to dominate the land, resources, and people.
Today, the Coronavirus has escalated to the point of bringing America and the western world to its knees, and setting us up for a total collapse in which life as we know it will be fundamentally altered and rebuilt around a collectivist model managed and controlled by the same criminals who engineered the crisis in the first place.
The plan for America is to sink the country into chaos so that it can be swallowed whole and consumed as part of the march towards global government. The globalists want to do to America what they have done to the third world, by creating an underclass of impoverished and deprived citizens who are dependent on government for their every need.
We are faced today with the dominating threat of a truly global elite, who have at their hands the technology to impose a truly global system of control: a global scientific dictatorship. While tyrants throughout history have used coercive force and terror to control populations, today they have a new tool at their disposal: the ability to control the very biology and psychology of the individual to a point where it may not be necessary to impose a system of terror. This control is implemented on a much deeper, psychological, subliminal and individual biological level. These scientific dictators have developed their science of creating a personal psycho-social condition in which the individual comes to love his or her own slavery; and are made to love their leaders and accept their servitude.
Millions of Americans have been dumbed-down by the media and educational establishment to the point where they have not only abandoned control of their destiny, but they have accepted their slavery and don’t even know what is being done to them by those wanting to control and dominate them.
One of our greatest threats today is this global scientific dictatorship that has refined their “new eugenics” as a system of mass control, creating a new global political economy where we fall silently into a “brave new world” of a global scientific oppression whose dominance will be more difficult to challenge and overcome.
In 1932, Aldous Huxley wrote about the emergence of scientific dictatorships of the future in his novel, “Brave New World.” In 1958 he examined how far the world had come since writing that novel saying, “The future dictator’s subjects will be painlessly regimented by a corps of highly trained social engineers,” and he quotes one “advocate of this new science” as saying that, “The challenge of social engineering in our time is like the challenge of technical engineering fifty years ago. If the first half of the twentieth century was the era of technical engineers, the second half may well be the era of social engineers.” Thus, proclaims Huxley, “The twenty-first century, I suppose, will be the era of World Controllers, the scientific caste system and Brave New World.” [Aldous Huxley, Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited. (Harper Perennial, New York, 2004), page 259]
In 1952, Bertrand Russell, a British philosopher, historian, mathematician, and social critic wrote the book, “The Impact of Science on Society,” in which he warned, “It may be hoped that in time anybody will be able to persuade anybody of anything if he can catch the patient young and is provided by the State with money and equipment.”
Russell explained that under a scientific dictatorship: “It is to be expected that advances in physiology and psychology will give governments much more control over individual mentality than they now have even in totalitarian countries. Fichte laid it down that education should aim at destroying free will, so that, after pupils have left school, they shall be incapable, throughout the rest of their lives, of thinking or acting otherwise than as their schoolmasters would have wished… Diet, injections, and injunctions will combine, from a very early age, to produce the sort of character and the sort of beliefs that the authorities consider desirable, and any serious criticism of the powers that be will become psychologically impossible. Even if all are miserable, all will believe themselves happy, because the government will tell them that they are so.”
Russell went on to explain that eugenics plays a central feature in the construction of any world government scientific dictatorship, stating that, “Gradually, by selective breeding, the congenital differences between rulers and ruled will increase until they become almost different species. A revolt of the plebs would become as unthinkable as an organized insurrection of sheep against the practice of eating mutton.”
Many of the same foundations and money that financed the eugenics movement in the early 20th century are still influencing the sciences and education today.
The Rockefeller foundations, Ford, Carnegie, Mellon, Harriman, and Morgan money that flowed into eugenics led directly to “scientific racism,” and ultimately the Holocaust in World War II. Following the Holocaust, the eugenics movement branched off into forming several other social engineering projects: population control, genetics, and environmentalism. The same foundations that laid the foundations for eugenic ideology – the belief in a biological superiority and right to rule (justifying their power) – then laid the foundations for these and other new social and scientific movements.
Rockefeller and Ford Foundation money continues to be major sources of funding today of some of the largest environmental and conservation organizations. The World Wildlife Fund (WWF) was founded in 1961 by Sir Julian Huxley, Aldous Huxley’s brother, who was also the President of the British Eugenics Society. Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands became the organization’s first president. Prince Bernhard also happened to be one of the founders of the elite global think tank, the Bilderberg Group, which he co-founded in 1954. Sir Julian Huxley also happened to be the first Director-General of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO).
Award-winning author and researcher, Edwin Black, wrote an authoritative history of eugenics in his book, “War Against the Weak,” in which he explained that, “the incremental effort to transform eugenics into human genetics forged an entire worldwide infrastructure,” with the founding of the Institute for Human Genetics in Copenhagen in 1938, led by Tage Kemp, a Rockefeller Foundation eugenicist, and was financed with money from the Rockefeller Foundation. While not abandoning the eugenics goals, the new re-branded eugenics movement “claimed to be eradicating poverty and saving the environment.”
Not only was the field of genetics born of eugenics, and heavily financed by the same monied-interests that seek social control; but so too was the field of population control. One population control concept that has emerged over the years is that population is seen as an environmental issue because the larger the population, the more resources it consumes and land it occupies. In other words, the more people there are the worse the environment becomes. Thus, programs aimed at controlling population growth are often framed in an environmentalist lens. There is also a distinctly radical element in this field, which views population growth not simply as an environmental concern, but which frames people, in general, as a virus that must be eradicated if the earth is to survive.
While science can be used for the benefit of mankind, so too can it be used for the control and oppression of humanity. The people who run our societies view us as needing to be controlled, so they redirect the social apparatus into systems of control and coercion. Science can allow us to understand an idea or organism; but in doing so, it can also allow us to understand how to dominate and control that idea or organism.
We are now vulnerable to poisoning from thousands of unregulated chemicals in regular household products, warns Kathleen Schuler, a contributing author to the report “The Health Case for Reforming the Toxic Substances Control Act.” The TCSA was first passed in 1976 to prevent citizen exposure to dangerous chemicals. Yet in the intervening 34 years, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has only required safety testing of 200 chemicals. In contrast, the original law explicitly exempted 60,000 chemicals from any testing under a “grandfather clause.” Congress later added 20,000 more chemicals to that list.
A wide variety of recent health trends have been linked to increased exposure to toxic chemicals. For example, the rate of childhood cancer has increased 20 percent sine 1975; a woman’s lifetime breast cancer risk has increased from one in 10 in 1973 to one in eight today; cases of autism spectrum disorder have increased by 10 times since the early 1990s; and the rate of learning and developmental disabilities in children has risen to one in six.
All of these health conditions have been linked to exposure to chemicals, heavy metals and other toxins commonly found in consumer products. More than 100 chemicals have also been linked to other diseases, such as Alzheimer’s disease.
Other links in the soft-kill scheme of globalists is fluoridation which causes cancer and genetically modified (GMO) foods. One of the most prominent of these is Aspartame to name but one, a widespread ingredient in so called ‘sugar free’ products and in virtually every child’s soft drink. This product has been shown to cause amongst other health problems, BRAIN TUMORS! Have you ever wondered why cancer rates have skyrocketed? Think about it! VACCINES, POISONS in WATER and GMO Food.
Portions of this article uses material from New Eugenics and the Rise of the Global Scientific Dictatorship, where you can read in more detail about this topic.
To learn more about the long term goals of the global elite and their quest for world government and population reduction, you should watch Endgame 1.5 which goes into extensive detail about the origins of the blueprint for global enslavement, what the near to mid-term goals of the Bilderberg Group are, and how long we have to stop their agenda.
Look closer at the drugs when it comes to eugenics. Statins and antihypertensives in particular.