The Federal Reserve Bank – America’s Biggest Unspoken Problem
Indeed there are plenty of problems facing the United States of America today. Of course, there have always been problems and probably always will. It’s the nature of things. There are lots of things one can do about problems. You could panic. You could consult with friends. You could write down a plan. You might have to take immediate action. Every problem is different. The one action that most agree is a bad idea is ignoring a problem. Even worse is to adapt behaviors that help the problem along.
The Federal Reserve is the one of the biggest problems facing America today and it is being ignored and in fact being made worse in many ways. Front runner Presidential candidates never mention those words and when someone does there is an uneasy feeling in the air, especially in debates. Of course, the only people who will dare say those words in a debate have been marginalized and in my humble opinion it seems like no coincidence.
People might ask, what does a federal government bank have to do with our nation’s problems? For starters it is federal in name only. The Federal Reserve Bank is not part of our government. It is privately owned. It is an international bank with private owners. Well, you would think with a name like that it would be part of the government. Why would a name be chosen to disguise what they are? Precisely for the reason you would suspect. They didn’t want people to know what they are all about.
Unfortunately people aren’t generally concerned with how things work. They don’t want to see the big picture or gain knowledge about the world in which they will live. It’s this nature of many people that helped the Federal Reserve Bank do their thing.
To illustrate the point, here’s a simple overview and how the problem might manifest itself in a real life example.
Throughout history the world has had banks, bankers and money lenders. People sometimes need money in the form of loans for various reasons. The general practice is that if you borrowed $1,000 you would have to pay it back over a specified time at a certain rate of interest which is agreed upon by both parties. Okay, nothing dangerous about that. Now imagine that a government needs money. The government has a war to fight and a clever banker agrees to lend a sum of money to that government. Of course, to lend such a large repayment of the loan must be guaranteed. So in return the government promises to guarantee the loan repayment in the form of taxes levied on its people. Not very smart or fair.
This type of banking relationship has been developed by international bankers for centuries. These banks become the nation’s central bank. More or less, this means that a government may owe large sums of money to this central bank and the taxes must be taken from the people to pay it back. Not only that the central private bank controls how much money goes into circulation, thus dictating the worth of the currency. So, in essence, the more dollars that get printed unwisely the less the money is worth.
To clarify this point let’s briefly use a current example. The federal government has just approved spending 1.4 billion dollars to give to Mexico. The money will be used to help secure Mexico’s southern border from illegal immigrants crossing into Mexico (you read that right). The 1.4 billion dollars will be borrowed from a private internationally owned bank called the Federal Reserve Bank. The money will be printed out of thin air. As soon as the money goes out into the world the interest meter starts running, so to speak. Now keep in mind that the 1.4 billion and the interest for the money borrowed and spent are owed to a private international bank whereby the loan is guaranteed by the payment of your taxes.
So the government has decided to spend money we don’t have on fixing the illegal immigration problem of another country. The printing of the money weakens our dollar. Further, the dollar is basically worthless because we are printing it out of thin air and it is backed by no real value like gold or silver (another problem caused by The Fed). To top it all off, you get to pay back the loan on this absurd government spending by taking a large chunk of money out of your paycheck, which is now worth less because we weakened the dollar borrowing and printing the money. Let’s not forget, the government will take money you earned from your paycheck before you will be able. We have to pay the government first in the form of higher taxes because of a weakened dollar to pay for spending this money to correct a problem in Mexico? Oh, please be aware that the taxes collected by the Federal Reserve Bank’s virtual collection agency, the IRS, goes to pay down just the interest on the money the government has borrowed from this privately held business – owned by a relative few international bankers. Many of these bankers are from a long line of baking families which hold sway over most of the major countries on this planet. It’s kind of a scary thought don’t you think? There is a lot of informal political power behind the purse strings of central banks of many nations.
If that’s not enough, I will just point out quickly an uncanny coincidence. It states in the constitution that taxing income is unconstitutional. However, the 16th amendment was passed rather shadily, and according to some, illegally. It went through in a very shady manner three weeks before the Federal Reserve Act of 1913 was passed in a very shady manner, as well. Remember the deal with the international central banks. They will happily be your nation’s central bank as long as the loans are guaranteed by taxes. The timing and circumstances seem strange.
The Federal Reserve Bank is America’s big problem. Handing over of this power to a small group of international banker’s compromises our economic well being. It gives enormous control to a small group of people whose first interest is profit and power. These individuals are international in nature, not American, so their interests are not consistent with America or any other independent country. It could be said that they are the root of globalism. Nationalism gets in the way of their business interests. Some even seem to think these international banking empires represent the push for international / global law and taxes (i.e. carbon tax). You see, the problem goes much deeper. But don’t take my word for it.
I will leave you with two quotes:
“If the American people ever allow private banks to control the issue of their money, first by inflation and then by deflation, the banks and corporations that will grow up around them (around the banks), will deprive the people of their property until their children will wake up homeless on the continent their fathers conquered.”
– Thomas Jefferson
Founding Father, Patriot, American
“Give me control of a nation’s money and I care not who makes the law.”
– Mayer Amschel Rothschild
Founder of the Rothschild family international banking empire
Article written by Richard Penney, contributor and columnist at The Black Sheep Report. It is a website where politics, pop culture and society as a whole are looked at through a unique lens. It offers a blend of analysis, commentary, opinion and biting humor. It’s driving force is reason, independent thought and questioning accepted truths.
I don’t believe scribd has the latest writing. I pasted it below. Perhaps it may be of interest.
Olde Reb
“What difference does an increase in the National Debt make? We owe it to ourselves.” Nancy Pelosi has declared. Such a paraphrased statement, reflecting on the exoskeleton structure of the Federal Reserve, ignores the inner historic mechanisms of Rothschild banking, the intense subterfuge and arm-twisting of the Fed’s creation, and the proven destructive forces inherent but hidden therein. 1
The medieval Rothschild Banks established a line of credit for the King provided the King issued a written promise to pay gold, with interest, to the bank at a time in the future. The book-entry Rothschild credit was used to pay for obligations incurred by the king and the credit continued to be circulated in the kingdom between merchants. The bankers sold the king’s interest bearing promise of gold to investors. The promise was renewed on its maturing date and was perpetually rolled-over. 2
VOILA !!! The king made the suppliers of services happy with Rothschild credit; the bankers had the gold; the public had a promise that the king would eventually pay them in gold—which would never happen. 3 Everything went smoothly as long as the bank could sell the promise and the people did not demand the gold. 4 As Benjamin Ginsburg has lamented in FATAL EMBRACE; (bankers) AND THE STATE 5, eventually the schemes, which stole the wealth from the people, would come to a catastrophic climax. 6
The Federal Reserve 7 does the same thing for the U.S. government’s deficit spending. Their wizard is hiding behind Frank Baum’s curtain as obscurant to any public inquiry.8
The Federal Reserve Bank of New York will grant credit (not “create money”) in an account of the US government with an amount that the government will pledge. 9 The government will expend the book-entry-credit account (deficit spending) to pay for goods and services consumed by the government. The suppliers are content. Evidence that the supplier has received a credit voucher is obvious. The heading of the currency given to the supplier by a local commercial bank is Federal Reserve Note; i.e., a debt obligation of the Federal Reserve identified as a “tender” (substitute) required by law to be accepted for an imprinted number of dollars. 10
To sell the pledge from the government (the Treasury security) at the highest price, the Federal Reserve will hold an auction but will camouflage it as an auction by the government. Acceptance of bids, determining the interest rate, and the amount of deficit spending permitted is controlled by the BOG.11 Government regulations clearly establish the funds from the auctions are controlled exclusively by the FRBNY; i.e., a franchisee of the BOG. 12
In addition to the approximate $1 trillion annually auctioned for deficit spending (new cash), the roll-over of approximate $10 trillion debt from prior years (publicly held maturing) is annually auctioned and disbursed by the FRBNY. 13
The difference in handling of the two accounts is the supreme camouflage. Funds for roll-over securities are credited by the FRBNY to a government account. The FRBNY then pays the Primary Dealers (from the government account) for their task in collecting the maturing securities from the public. There is no increase in the National Debt nor is there any inflationary resultant from these transactions.
If the funds from deficit spending securities were to be used in redeeming Treasury securities in the market (i.e., paid by the FRBNY to the government), it would eliminate any increase in the National Debt. It would also eliminate any increase in money in circulation (inflation). That clearly does not occur.
The only viable dispersal of funds identifiable to this writer is the funds are commingled with funds to select Primary Dealers. If the Primary Dealers include shareholders of a privately held incorporated Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve, they would not have to reveal corporate records.14 The profit could be completely hidden from view. 15 The deficit spending amount 16 would be clear profit for the owners of the BOG.
The statutory charter of the Federal Reserve stipulates profit of the operation belongs to the government. Concealment of funds that belong to the government appear to be embezzlement, among other crimes.
Various theories abound on how the purloined funds have been utilized to the detriment of society. 17
If the scheme is not exposed, Wall Street internal memos identify collection of the $20 trillion debt is the “ultimate goal” and would reduce the United States to the status of Greece. 18 Wall Street’s objective in Greece 19 is not to exploit, but is to destroy the nation. 20 Indeed, national sovereignty has been acquiesced by Greece to the Troika (financiers) as the terminal end of Goldman Sach’s “shitty” three billion Euro debt. 21
The proposed Goldman Sachs government budget (whoops, Trump’s budget) includes huge deficit spending increases (increased military spending with cuts in social programs) with unrealistic increases in national productive/tax base.22 This is the same scheme Wall Street and the CIA have used to bankrupt other nations for four decades. 23 The psychopathic Wall Street warmongers demand a humongous deficit busting military expenditure, but this statement may reverse cause and effect. 24 The people will submit to anything if they are induced to fear a foreign threat.
Get ready to kiss your 401(k), your government benefits, your pension, and your bank accounts goodbye, with strikes prohibited, health care costs escalated, perpetual war, mass layoffs (including government personnel), and economic chaos—among other dire occurrences. 25 This is the utopian government controlled by bankers that David Rockefeller 26 so proudly promised for the world in his autobiography MEMOIRS and Carroll Quigley touted in TRAGEDY AND HOPE.
We can rest assured the same scheme is used by the ECB with the Euro.
The U.S. has two options:
The entire situation can be ignored with the public meekly submitting to Wall Street’s collection of the fraudulent $20 trillion National Debt and accept the fate of Greece [Greece has surrendered national sovereignty control to Goldman Sachs/Troika];
They can assert public pressure on congress-critters to audit relevant accounts and indict Wall Street.
PS: How can banks with (deficit spending) liquidity that borrowers will not accept for loans laundry the money? Well, they can buy stocks (and watch the price go up and say the corporations are buying their own stock) or they can buy bonds (and watch the yield go down as demand increases). Have you seen any evidence of this happening ?
* Ignorance is Bliss
Footnotes are available at if they are deleted by software.
Ed has done a great job in circulating info on the Federal Reserve. I do not believe he follows or accepts the flow of funds that disappear from the accounts of Treasury auctions.
If you would want an updated version of the pasted link, let me know. or of the Federal Reserve article. or if the links are again inoperative.