
One World Currency Proposed — 26 Comments

  1. I am a minister of the gospel and I agree with most coments here. But I must say that while we await the rapture we should be about our Fathers buisness and this is fulfilling the great commission, we are to be making disciples as Jesus commanded. God bless!!!

  2. Hello all my name is joshua I teach “Unity Through Currency”
    and the return of the credit commons to the people. I am working with a network of people to create a universal money system to become global citizens. is a network of people working to create a secure, ecologically sustainable, resource based, electronic, open source, transparent, interest free, fee free, money system / medium of exchange created by the people, for the people, available to every human on the Earth.

    May peace be with you,

  3. Sometimes I wonder what some of these people are thinking after I have read here what they have said. I just dont agree to most of it.

  4. This is how the multi-currency system proposed in the Feasta Noordwijk Treaty would work. All seven exchange mechanisms balance supply and demand by altering the relative price of the pair of currencies being exchanged between them.

  5. Turn to God. There is no entry into heaven without passing through Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Door, the GateKeeper. He is the Way to salvation and eternal life.

  6. My above comment was in reference to this:

    April 3, 2009
    Bran @ 3:04 am:
    Quick! Everyone grab your tin-foil hats before they hear your thoughts! Lock yourselves in your shelters before it’s too late!!! I’ll come let you know when it’s safe to come out again. In the mean time, you can eat MRE’s and use mason jars for toilets. Now hurry little retards!!! HURRY!!!!! The sky is falling the sky is falling! The government is out to get you! There was a second shooter on the grassy nole! 9-11 was an inside job! That was no weather balloon! The lizard-men are taking over! Global warming is a lie! I can’t believe it’s not butter!

  7. All true Christians should be prepared for the rapture. Myself, I am less concerned about what Satin’s Army plans to do to the inhabitants of this world, because those affected in the NWO are all lost souls, not brother’s and sister’s of mine. Those that count on this world or anyone in it for their salvation are all damned to hell any way.

    Turn to God. There is no entry into heaven without passing through Our Lord Jesus Christ. He is the Door, the GateKeeper. He is the Way to salvation and eternal life.

  8. According to Bloomberg, Medvedev said “the question of a supranational currency “concerns everyone now, even the mints.” The test coin “means they’re getting ready. I think it’s a good sign that we understand how interdependent we are.”

  9. The challenge ahead is to find ways to limit the tension arising from the high demand for precautionary reserves on the one hand and the narrow supply of reserves on the other, he said.

  10. I’m not so sure that the Biblical Prophesy sort of thing is necessarily a bad thing. The closer we are to the end times, the closer we are to Christ reigning on Earth. That being said, it does put a lot of other things into perspective.That being said, I completely agree with all of your other points. I think America is quickly going down the tubes and will be replaced as a world power by someone like China or possibly more of a single international world government.

  11. The system will make you bow ,chip you-mark of the beast,about to reach all our assy

  12. i think things are getting worse daily. It wont be long before theres one world government and the Anti-Christ comes. If im still here for that, i intend to go into hiding

  13. People this is no joking matter! Everybody better step back and review their lives. Are you living as you should? Do you have Jesus in your life?
    This WILL come to pass, I BELIEVE THE WORD OF GOD, and it is going to be fulfilled.
    God Bless You and keep you.

  14. The idea of an actual world currency that is used everywhere, and not just a “reserve currency,” makes sense. Right now, like the English language, the USD is so widespread that it could become the internationally used currency. But of course countries like Russia don’t want that. It’ll be interesting to see what happens in the next couple of years, especially if some of the weaker countries are calling for the USD to be made international…

  15. Quick! Everyone grab your tin-foil hats before they hear your thoughts! Lock yourselves in your shelters before it’s too late!!! I’ll come let you know when it’s safe to come out again. In the mean time, you can eat MRE’s and use mason jars for toilets. Now hurry little retards!!! HURRY!!!!! The sky is falling the sky is falling! The government is out to get you! There was a second shooter on the grassy nole! 9-11 was an inside job! That was no weather balloon! The lizard-men are taking over! Global warming is a lie! I can’t believe it’s not butter!

  16. ah, yo, man, before men of sin out of the nations , the global currency must come 1st. If The Global currency failed then Antichrist / men of sin come out as worlds problems solver, so the chaos in the world because of crashed economic (crashed economic causes other problems like crimes,poverty, suicide,etc)is solved by The B1st Beast. Then World will begin toworship him.

  17. If this policy is adopted by the United States (One World Currency) her citizens can kiss their economic soverenity goodbye and then shortly thereafter your constitutional rights.

    God help us

  18. China’s central bank governor, said on March 23 there should be a new international reserve currency. And a UN panel this week is to recommend moving away from the dollar and adopting a shared basket of currencies instead. Earlier this month, Russia said it would propose a new reserve currency for discussion at the G20 summit set for April 2.

  19. At the time of financial crises we need to come together united and try to solve the problems which are responsible for such a hazard. We need to overcome it. It is meant to bring calm to the population and markets and display government strength and stability.

  20. Yes, we are heading rapidly to a 1 world currency and this will be Bible prophecy being fulfilled. Eventually, there will be a 1 world political, economic, religious system that will be headed by the Antichrist!!!!! The global currency will come to an end and the MARK OF THE BEAST will be implemented by the Antichrist. In the book of Revelation, chapter 13 verses 16 thru 18 it states, And he causes all both small and great rich and poor free and bond to receive a mark on their right hand or on their foreheads and that no one may buy or sell except he that had the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name. Here is wisdom. Let him that have understanding calculate the number of the beast for it is the number of a man and his number is 666.

  21. I would like to say that a global government will never take place so blatantly.

    This is due to the sovereignty issue. There will be a group to oversee world economies, but a 1 single global government will never do. The reason for this is because people “need to feel independence.” As SS & DD factors shape the world in all forms, there is always an over or under “shoot” of equilibrium.

    All nations will have “independent” leaders! and countries will always “be in a squable of some sorts.” \

    There needs to be a sustainable flow of CONSUMPTION, whatever the resource, weapon, energy, material, product! – A buyer and a seller = profit! = “the world today.”

    A global currency – a sure thing but total domination — in certain circles only!, but never publically presented as you make out to be, because we are already there! Long time ago!

  22. European opponents of free markets are excited. For them, the crisis and Washington’s bailout of US banks and businesses are evidence that American capitalism is dead. The president of the European Commission, Jose Manuel Barroso, says Europe should lead the way because we need a new global financial order.