What’s the Evidence our Elections are Rigged?
President Obama says he doesn’t even know what rigged elections means?
Well, let me inform him…
Following are just a couple recent examples:
A GOP caucus in Utah reportedly handed out multiple ballots to voters – and never bothered to check the IDs or credentials of the voters. One of the voters described the caucus as a vote with “no apparent controls, no credential checks, no ID checks and ballots being handed around like napkins,” with at least 250 ballots passed out to only 120 voters. “I literally had over 50 ballots in my hand,” the voter wrote on the Godlike Productions forum. “We were told to mark our vote and place our ballot in a tin can.”
Infowars reporter Joe Biggs reports from one of the voting locations in Texas where voters have claimed that their votes are being altered from Donald Trump to Marco Rubio.
But wait… there’s more 🙂
World Net Daily has reported on voter fraud for years.
Author Bev Harris has been exposing voter fraud for years on her site BlackBoxVoting.org. What she learned is that modern-day voting systems are run by private, for-profit corporations, rely on a few cronies for oversight, using a certification system so fundamentally flawed that it allows machines to miscount and lose votes, with hidden back doors that enable “end runs” around the voting system.
A House Without Doors outlines many of the voter fraud schemes perpetrated on the American public.
The State run mainstream media has been complicit in the fraudulent elections for years in their dissemination of polling data. Look at their polls. Oftentimes, they only poll maybe 1,000 people or so, and they think this reflects millions of Americans? If they want Hillary to surge in their polls, they simply weight their sample with more Democrats… and guess what? Hillary is leading in the polls. Come on folks, as Donald Trump has said, it’s a rigged system.
“Those who cast the votes decide nothing.
Those who count the votes decide everything.” – Josef Stalin
Who counts the votes?
From 1990 through 2003, Voter News Service, an exit polling consortium of six major U.S. news media organizations (ABC, CBS, NBC, CNN, Fox, and The Associated Press) provided the results for the presidential elections. After experiencing a computer system failure on election night in 2002, it was disbanded. In 2004 a new organization called National Election Pool was set up by the same media organizations to provide official returns. This organization which also does media research and consumer research sets the agenda… and folks their agenda is NOT in your favor.
Mark Twain summed up our national election process in these words…”There are lies, damned lies and statistics.”
If you are paying any attention to the latest polls promoted in the mainstream media… STOP. They are rigged to give the results the New World Order wants.
So, some people might ask after reading all this,
“Why should I bother to vote if my vote doesn’t count?”
Well, it’s true your vote does not count… but if you don’t vote, then those foisting this fraud on the American people and you will WIN by default.
Your vote does count in the sense that you as an individual will not voluntarily give away your constitutional rights. Your voting says, in effect, even if your vote doesn’t really count you’re still going to make your voice heard and in defiance of their corrupt system, you refuse to be assimilated. If the powers that shouldn’t be wants to win ultimately, they will have to pry it from my cold dead hands.