
10 Planks of Communism — 7 Comments

  1. I am reading the communist manifesto and will also provide more details of the movement of our America into the hands of Marxist admirers.

  2. the communist manifesto and will also provide more details of the movement of our America into the hands of Marxist admirers. Based on strictly observations, the people that strive for communism are the lazy with no skills or desire to be skilled, the artist that desires to make a living with art, or the intellectuals.

  3. Karl Marx describes in his Communist Manifesto, the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system and replace it with a system of omnipotent government power, so as to effect a communist socialist state.

  4. I am reading the communist manifesto and will also provide more details of the movement of our America into the hands of Marxist admirers. Based on strictly observations, the people that strive for communism are the lazy with no skills or desire to be skilled, the artist that desires to make a living with art, or the intellectuals.

  5. The start of this discussion is the New World Information and Communication Order (NWICO) as associated with the United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organization (UNESCO) starting from the early 1970s.

  6. I am reading the communist manifesto and will also provide more details of the movement of our America into the hands of Marxist admirers. Based on strictly observations, the people that strive for communism are the lazy with no skills or desire to be skilled, the artist that desires to make a living with art, or the intellectuals.

  7. This idea of being a good citizen means you have to have a job and pay taxes. I can’t for the life of me think why anybody would want a job. Now I’m not saying that the idea of work is wrong.For each plank that you participate in or which affect you, give yourself 10 points.the ten steps necessary to destroy a free enterprise system and replace it with a system of omnipotent government power, so as to effect a communist socialist state.