Glenn Beck Says Government Will Stage False Flag Terror to Discredit Opposition
In an unprecedented outburst on his Fox News show earlier this week, Glenn Beck identified the threat that we have been warning about for over a year, that the powers behind the Obama administration are preparing to stage a false flag event that will be blamed on its political opposition to derail the movement against big government.
Discussing how the leftists need violence to realize their political agenda, Beck featured a clip that we wrote an article about on Sunday, where former Clintonite and Democrat operative Mark Penn says Obama needs an OKC bombing-style event to regain his popularity.
“Remember, President Clinton reconnected through Oklahoma, right?” said Penn on Chris Matthews’ Hardball show on Thursday. “And the president right now seems removed. It wasn’t until that speech [after the bombing] that [Clinton] really clicked with the American public. Obama needs a similar” defining moment, according to Penn.
As we have documented, Penn is not the only prominent insider to invoke exploitation of terror as a means of reinvigorating the big government agenda. Back in July, former senior advisor to President Bill Clinton Robert Shapiro wrote in the Financial Times that only an OKC bombing or 9/11 style event could provide Obama with the opportunity to demonstrate that he is a strong leader.
After reading a letter written by Tides CEO and founder Drummond Pike that encouraged advertisers to boycott Fox News in a thinly veiled threat that implied Beck’s rhetoric is leading to another OKC bombing, Beck stated, “They are setting up an Oklahoma City, they are claiming that one is coming and they’re already marked the one who caused it,” referring to himself.
The fact that Beck is mimicking our talking point on the threat of staged terror is another indication that he employs a team of researchers to listen regularly to the Alex Jones Show, as a prominent Fox insider told us directly earlier this year. The accuracy of the source was verified after Lou Dobbs was confirmed as joining Fox News, something we had predicted after also being told this would happen by the same source.
After years of Beck ridiculing so-called conspiracy theorists for talking about the government staging 9/11 or the Gulf of Tonkin, he is now finally beginning to realize the fact that major catalyzing events are often staged for political purposes.
Beck follows in the footsteps of fellow talk show host Michael Savage, who after similarly deriding anyone who talked about government staged terror as a conspiracy nut, is now using similar rhetoric. During his show on March 3 2009, Savage warned that the government was preparing to “create a crisis along the lines of the Reichstag fire,” and that once Obama’s contrived image began to collapse as it is now doing, “Rahm Emanuel and his gang will set off a Reichstag fire in this country of some kind,” in order to enforce a “military dictatorship”.
As most historians agree, the Reichstag fire of 1933 that allowed Adolf Hitler to persecute his political enemies was wholly if not in part the work of Hermann Göring, Joseph Goebbels, and a cadre of Nazi storm troopers who aided Communist patsy Marinus van der Lubbe in torching the government building in Berlin.
The fact that people like Beck and Savage are now openly talking about government staged terror is a revealing benchmark in how far we have come from people who broach such subjects being demonized as lunatics to the issue of false flag terror now becoming a central facet of political discourse.
Article written by Paul Joseph Watson & Alex Jones
November 11, 2010