Clueless Patsy Set-up by FBI in Christmas Tree Bombing Plot
They not only hate us for our freedom, but also for our Christmas trees – or at least that’s what the FBI and cops in Oregon would have you believe.
“The FBI thwarted an attempted terrorist bombing in Portland’s Pioneer Courthouse Square before the city’s annual tree-lighting Friday night, according to the U.S. Attorney’s Office in Oregon,” The Oregonian reports. “A Corvallis man, thinking he was going to ignite a bomb, drove a van to the corner of the square at Southwest Yamhill Street and Sixth Avenue and attempted to detonate it.”
Mohamed Osman Mohamud, 19, a Somali-born U.S. citizen, had a little help from the FBI. “The arrest was the culmination of a long-term undercover operation, during which Mohamud had been monitored for months as his alleged bomb plot developed.”
In a repeat of a now familiar pattern, the FBI told Mohamud they were building the bomb. They went so far as to travel to a remote spot in Lincoln County, Oregon, where a bomb concealed in a backpack was detonated as a trial run for the upcoming Christmas tree attack. The FBI eagerly assisted their clueless mark when he decided to shoot a video explaining his half-witted act.
Mohamud and the FBI operative agreed to meet in Portland where Mohamud allegedly told the FBI operative that he had written articles that were published in Jihad Recollections, an online magazine that advocated holy war against American infidels and assorted Christmas revelers.
Mr. Mohmud’s mentally disturbed fantasy fueled by the FBI is reminiscent of the Christmas Day non-bombing attributed to Nigerian Umar Farouk Abdulmutallab who it is said planned to take down an airliner over Detroit in spectacular fashion by igniting his underwear.
According to the FBI affidavit, Mohamud’s absurd bomb plot began in August 2009 when he contacted by email an unknown associate overseas said to be involved in terrorist activities. In December 2009, while the mysterious associate was in a frontier province of Pakistan, Mohamud and the associate discussed the possibility of Mohamud traveling to Pakistan to participate in violent jihad.
Pakistan’s intelligence service, the ISI, is notorious for creating and running jihad terrorists groups under the supervision of the CIA. In late 2009, General Ahmad Shuja Pasha, the general director of the ISI, presented CIA boss Leon E. Panetta with “some highly classified and irrefutable evidence” that the mega-snoop agency is involved in creating and running supposed terror groups in Pakistan. “The proof about instances of covert US support to some hardened militant outfits and terrorist activities they carried out over the past few weeks and months were presented to Panetta,” writes Zahid Malik for the Pakistan Observer.
The CIA effort to construct a Muslim terrorist archetype emerged following the Soviet-Afghan war, a multi-billion dollar effort that was part of a CIA covert agenda initiated during the Carter administration by then national security adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski. The CIA operative Osama bin Laden, aka Tim Osman, would serve as a model for all Islamic terrorists and demented suicide bombers to come. It is interesting to note that Mr. Mohamud’s middle name is Osman.
Mohamud was clueless right up until the moment he pressed a button on his cell phone. He thought this would blow up the Portland Christmas tree and kill infidels, but instead it brought in the cops. “Yelling ‘Allahu Akbar!’ – Arabic for ‘God is great!’ — Mohamud tried to kick agents and police after he was taken into custody, according to prosecutors,” reports the Independent Online.
“Mohamud, a naturalized US citizen living in Corvallis, was charged with attempted use of a weapon of mass destruction, which carries a maximum sentence of life in prison. A court appearance was set for Monday. Few details were available about him late Friday.”
“The threat was very real,” said Arthur Balizan, special agent in charge of the FBI in Oregon. “Our investigation shows that Mohamud was absolutely committed to carrying out an attack on a very grand scale.”
There is no shortage of psycho nut cases absolutely committed to maiming and killing large numbers of people. Very few of them, however, are particularly useful for a government determined to keep the terrorist swindle going for as long as possible. The Global War On Terror mill needs a constant stream of patsies and dim wits to keep the charade in motion.
It takes a special kind of patsy. One capable of actually deluding himself into believing there are jihadists in Pakistan who believe blowing up a Christmas tree makes logistical sense in the war against the Great Satan. One stupid enough to believe FBI agents are Islamic terrorists and the chimera known as al-Qaeda is actually a global terror organization and not a ruse named after a Mujahideen database.
Article written by Kurt Nimmo
November 27, 2010