Islamic fascism vs. Ameri fascism
Freelance columnist, Donald Hoffman, writes…
”War on terrorism” is a misnomer. Terrorism is not an ideology in itself, it is a tactic. In the case of Islamic fascism, the tactical use of terror is the primary means of forcing submission to an ideology that has no other chance of acceptance when subjected to any level of critical scrutiny. Neither al-Qaida nor any of the other extremist groups fighting to quash rule-of-law governance in Iraq makes any valid attempt to put forth actual arguments in support of their cause. To every logical point to be made against Islamic fascism, terrorism is the only counterpoint. Disagree with jihadists’ dictates? Challenge their authority? Maybe the murder of a loved one or the mass murder of innocents can persuade you otherwise. It’s simple persuasion: ”Submit or die.”
>Pelosi and Reid take precarious stance on Iraq —
As Hoffman writes, terrorism is a tactic, and like Islamic fascism used as the primary means of forcing submission to an ideology, Ameri fascism accomplishes the same end… only by different means. Instead of murdering innocents, the Federal Reserve in the U.S. uses it’s Gestapo-like arm, the IRS, to reign terror on the innocents threatening to confiscate all their possessions and force them into bankruptcy. The tactic has been apparently working pretty well in recent years, witnessed by the increasing mortgage foreclosure market, the sub-prime mortgage crisis, and out-of-control credit system.
The battle continues between the Islamic world and the Zionist world and will not end until one side accomplishes their goal of controlling and exploiting the people of the world. The winner in this battle will most likely be the side with the most money and the biggest bomb. And, we… the common folk who only want independence and a good life will be the loser.
there is no something called islamic fascism,you are missing the piont in order to pass your concepts, in way to abuse islam to make example of it,as the way america victamizing others,islam and thr rest of the world are the victams of ill devil of the west & america,and fascism is the outcome of white man’s manteli
ty,and if any religion deserve to be named fascism,must be the chirstianity,which is the religion of those,who offspring fascism to the world,you must be polite when you analysing something,whitout hurting the santiments of others,if you want your thouhts to get place in worldwide community,don’t hurt the others,who share you the same idea.