Tragedy and Hope 101
Let me first ask you a question….
What if everything you believed to be true about the world was not?
When you read the book, Tragedy and Hope 101, by Joe Plumber, you’ll discover that much of what you believed to be true about the world IS NOT. You can shake this information off as being some whacko conspiracy theory, but then you would only be falling for the deception hoisted upon the world by the New World Order. In fact, I believe we are mostly all victims to their nefarious agenda to bring “all the habitable portions of the world under their control.”
Clocking in at 1300 pages of small print text, Carroll Quigley’s seminal work, Tragedy and Hope, is an intimidating and weighty tome. In the interview below, James Corbett talks to Joe Plummer of about his guide to Quigley’s massive book. Available as a free e-book or as a paperback or kindle purchase and dubbed Tragedy and Hope 101, Plummer’s guide condenses, summarizes, explains and footnotes the highlights and lowlights of the text so you can understand the nature of the conspiratorial network that Quigley exposed and why this information is so important.
Explore more about Tragedy and Hope 101 on The Corbett Report.