America Is Divided Between Conservatives Or Democrats
Something I’ve thought about really a great deal in recent years is what Americans mean when we use the words Liberal and Conservative. If I try to strip those two words of our every day politics, in addition to of all the insults we embed within them, I would say that Liberals tend to be much more driven by notions of mutual responsibility than do Conservatives, and Conservatives tend to be more driven by notions of individual responsibility than do Liberals.
This has been the basic and distinctive trait of this country compared to other European socialistic countries. The majority of technological and scientific advancement has been by those citizens in a representative form of government like the United states. When a government attempts to control or handle its citizenry to achieve a predefined agenda, it stifles the human spirit. Liberals assume those individuals dependent on drugs require understanding or be permitted to use them as much as they require.
I suspect the covert agenda is they are simpler to control or comply with their guidance. Conservatives on the other hand assume the only method to break this dependency on drugs is via no financial assistance whatsoever.
Liberals would say that standards are often arbitrary and subject to factors outside individual decision making, and we want to make it easier for people to pick themselves up again when the standard is out of reach.
Simply because the left-leaning press was proven right about Watergate and the right-leaning press was proven wrong, the left ran with the notion that their kind of biased journalism was objective.
But, the news media had fallen very deeply in love with this fantasy depiction of themselves and have been promoting it ever since. The kind of people drawn into journalism now are every bit as ambitious, dishonest, and untrustworthy as the public officials they report on, depending on which side of the political spectrum they’re on.
They neither hide it nor deny it, but rather attempt to create lies against it. Humans, and human systems, inevitably fail.
So when Liberals and Conservatives try to treat you like you must have been brainwashed by opposition propaganda when you refuse to agree with their biased news sources, remind them of all this.