How Safe Is Our Municipal Drinking Water?
If you’re like many people, you’ll wonder if your tap water is safe to drink. People have long been complaining about harmful contaminants in the water. In lieu of being able to drink the H2O as it comes out of the faucet, many people have turned to bottled water, filtered sink nozzles and pitchers, or else just gave up drinking it altogether, which isn’t healthy for the body. Don’t you wonder if all these people are taking unnecessary precautions? Is our drinking water safe, or do we need to find alternatives to that which comes straight from the tap?
A large percentage of water treatment facilities obeyed the regulations that governed them. The problem with our tap water lies in the fact that the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) has failed to establish guidelines about hundreds of chemicals introduced into the water system by industry, agriculture, and urban runoff. Since the EPA hasn’t set guidelines to deal with them, many water filtration plants won’t be anything about them.
The good part of the situation is that most people can safely drink tap water. If you aren’t pregnant and otherwise healthy, drinking the tap water in most cities won’t cause you any problems. Since most of the contaminants in the water are in small quantities, most people won’t be affected. However, if you are pregnant, have a weakened immune system, or are elderly, then you may be vulnerable to the contaminants. You should consult with a physician after getting a copy of the municipal water report if any of those describe your situation.
If you drink bottled water instead of tap, you may be in for a surprise. A lot of companies use tap water to fill water bottles. You may be surprised to know that bottled water isn’t regulated stictly and the EPA even allows coliform bacteria and E. coli in it. Tap water can be less contaminated than bottled water. If you’re a healthy adult, then you’ll find it pretty safe to drink the water.Doc No. psdlhsldh-tlshdkl
Kristie Brown writes on a variety of topics from health to technology.