Your Privacy is a Sham
There is no longer any pretense of privacy for the average American citizen. Cries to “protect privacy” are nonsense because you have NO privacy. It is gone and you are fully exposed to government and corporate surveillance of your life.
The recent revelations made by Ed Snowden of the NSA spying on American citizens finally blew the lid off what many of us have known for years.
Big Brother IS Watching You.
The May 1979 issue of Omni magazine talks about the NSA and how all communications is being monitored by computers and humans, keywords being used to flag information and more. Check out the full article – checkout page number 65.
Naysayers can no longer ignore the obvious and continue to ignore what they call a conspiracy theory.
Hardly a day goes by now where even the mainstream media reports about some new degradation of your privacy.
Two US senators on the intelligence committee recently said that thousands of annual violations by the National Security Agency on its own restrictions were “the tip of the iceberg.”
No kidding!
The Washington Post reported, with information provided by whistleblower Edward Snowden, that internal NSA audits found thousands of instances where the powerful surveillance agency collected, stored and possibly searched through vast swaths of information it is not permitted to acquire.
Any comments by the director of US national intelligence, James Clapper, or any other government spokesperson to the contrary are quite simply just lies.
Lies to cover up the full extent of Big Brother’s complete surveillance grid that tracks just about everything you do and already knows just about everything about you. It is not just “metadata”.
Part of the coverup they don’t want us to know about is that it’s not just your government spying on you in their fight against terrorism. It’s a joint venture full spectrum surveillance grid operated by both government agencies and multi-national corporations with a financial interest in your consumer behavior.
Right now, the combined intelligence community is gathering the data they need to profile all American citizens. Soon, they will officially launch their “control grid” which they have been simultaneously setting up for years.
Once complete, they will be able to fulfill the prophecy in Revelation 13:16-17:
And he causeth all, both small and great, rich and poor, free and bond, to receive a mark in their right hand, or in their foreheads: And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.