Donald Trump and the New World Order

Photo credit: Gage Skidmore via / CC BY-SA
It would appear that Donald Trump is taking on the New World Order, he is speaking his mind, he is rejecting political correctness, he is going against every unwritten “political rule” and yet he is rising in the polls and THAT is why the political establishment from both sides of the aisle, the NWO and the mainstream media want him gone.
Pastor Rodney Howard-Browne, founder of Revival Ministries International, recently told TruNews host Rick Wiles he believes Donald Trump is the New World Order’s “worst nightmare.” “We are all tired of being manipulated by politicians, liberals and the media,” Howard-Browne said. “Trump does not censor his words like politicians do. He says what he thinks, which appeals to people. I am not saying I agree with everything he has said, or that he knows everything he is signing up for, but I do believe that he will put knowledgeable people around him who share the same values as we patriotic Americans do.”
New World Order adversary Alex Jones has made it very clear he supports Trump. Political insider and Trump adviser Roger Stone regularly appears on the InfoWars program promoting Donald Trump and Jones doesn’t hide his approval of Trump.
Libertarian ideologues, editors Dr. Donald Miller and economics professor Walter E. Block, have established an organization attempting to rally support behind Republican presidential frontrunner Donald Trump. Prominent Libertarian and founder of the Ludwig von Mises Institute Lew Rockwell spoke with Infowars in January on the rise of populism, stating the late Libertarian icon Murray Rothbard would likely have agreed with Trump on several issues.
But, is Donald Trump actually part of the New World Order?
We Are Change’s Luke Rudkowski breaks down the evidence that he may be part of the New World Order, at least he supports the NWO. He points out Trump gets advice from Richard Haass, president of the Council on Foreign Relations. “I respect Richard Haass, who’s on your show a lot,” Mr. Trump said on MSNBC’s “Morning Joe”. “And I like him a lot. I have a few people that I really like and respect.” Haass is also a member of the influential Trilateral Commission and a Bilderberg attendee. Indeed, during a televised debate, when Donald Trump was asked who he is listening to as top national security advisers, the first name Trump mentioned was Richard Haass.
Glenn Beck says, “he is part of the problem when he by his own admission, buys politicians; he said he identifies his “policies more as a democrat”; he was very pro abortion until very recently; he still says “don’t defund planned parenthood”; he is pro “assault weapon ban”; he is in favor of a wealth tax that would just “take money out of people’s bank accounts”; he is for boots on the ground in Iraq and ‘taking the oil’ from the Iraqi people; he is a progressive ‘republican’; he says single payer health care works; he said he would give people more than just Obama care; he said that he keeps all the bibles he is given in a “special place” out side the city – and he only goes to church on Christmas and Easter.
Ron Paul said he would not support Donald Trump if he were to win the Republican nomination. Trump has been able to tap into the anger and fear of a large “minority” of voters, Paul told CNBC’s “Squawk Box.” He said the billionaire businessman acts like he has all the answers but “zero” realistic solutions to the problems facing the nation. According to Paul, Donald Trump is not just a “dangerous person,” but an “authoritarian” who likes bossing other people around.
Trumps silence regarding the Constitution is perhaps what bothers me the most about him. He may say he’s a lover of the Second Amendment, but I haven’t heard him talk about protecting other parts of the Constitution, and in fact some of his comments regarding banning Muslims and deporting illegal immigrants seem to fly in the face of the Constitution. I’m not convinced he would support the Constitution, rather he may further dismantle it. My fear is that he would not be an enemy of the New World Order, but may in fact be a sheep in wolfs clothing ushering in the next incremental steps of setting up the New World Order.
I don’t want to make direct comparisons between Donald Trump and Adolph Hitler, but I am afraid of the sentiments that brought Hitler to power in the 1930’s. The people were angry and wanted change, they wanted Germany to be great again. And, Hitler promised them just that. We all know how that turned out.